Doctor Stavros Kazantzidis born in Thessaloniki is a surgeon specialized in Urology. He graduated from Medical School in 1998 and after further training he received from EKAV Thessaloniki a certificate of proficiency in Emergency Prehospital Medicine. Ηe got his specialty in Urology at Panagia Hospital in Thessaloniki in 2008. Moreover, in 2009 he succeeded at the European Urological Association exams, obtaining the title of Fellow of the European Board of Urology (FEBU) with honors.

He worked as an Assistant Curator, at the 2nd Department of Urology of Aristotle University, at General Hospital Papageorgiou of Thessaloniki, (2009-2010). Since 2010, for 12 consecutive years, was in charge of the Oncology Department of Prostate cancer and Bladder cancer, having as primary object the therapeutic management and follow-up of patients with Prostate and Bladder cancer. During 2016 he received a scholarship from Aristotle University with the title of AUTH University Scholar for the management of the clinic’s Oncology Departments. Throughout these years he participated in many research protocols of the clinic, while he has managed thousands of cases of Oncology patients with Prostate and Bladder cancer. He participated in teaching students of Aristotle University medical school about prostate cancer and testicular cancer. He was member of the team who wrote the University book, of the Urology department of Aristotle University, by the professors Mr. IOANNIDIS and Mr. HATZIMOURATIDIS.
He has given lectures at numerous conferences and seminars about Urology. He has written papers in the medical press and his papers about Photodynamic Transurethral Bladder Cancer Resection, was published internationally. (Hexaminolevulinate-guided transurethral resection of non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer does not reduce the recurrence rates after a 2-year follow-up: a prospective randomized trial Gkritsios P,Hatzimouratidis K, Kazantzidis S, Dimitriadis G, Ioannidis E, Katsikas V.Int Urol Nephrol. 2013 Nov 19)
From 2010 until today, Dr. Stavros Kazantzidis has his own private practice, in the center of Thessaloniki and in Diavata of Thessaloniki. There a full Urological and Andrological diagnostic examination can be carried out such as:
- Urological ultrasounds:
- Color urinary ultrasound
- Trans-rectal prostate ultrasound.
- Color ultrasound of the scrotum, as well as triplex, for cases of infertility and varicocele.
- Triplex of the penis, in cases where it is necessary to diagnose erectile dysfunction problems.
- Cystoscopy:Endoscopic examination, through which diseases of the urethra and bladder are examined. It is carried out through a modern, flexible cystoscope, of the latest generation, which helps to examine the patient in an easy and painless way. Cystoscopy is the diagnostic test of choice in cases of hematuria and bladder cancer follow-up.
- Uroflowmetry: It is the basic examination for the evaluation and diagnosis of urinary problems, such as obstruction due to an enlarged prostate or a weakened bladder.
- Moreover, due to the modern equipment available to the doctor’s private practice, minor operations can be carried out. Some of them mentioned below:
- Placement and changes of urinary catheters of all types
- Dilatations of urethral strictures
- Removal of ureteral stent (pig tail)
- Electrocautery of male genital warts
- Plastic restoration of frenulum breve (short penis frenulum)
- Other minor surgeries of the external genital organs.
Doctor Kazantzidis Stavros is also a Surgeon Urologist at the EUROPEAN INTERBALKAN MEDICAL CENTER of Thessaloniki where he operates the majority of cases. He performs almost the entire range of classic and modern urological operations. He is certified in Robotic Urology by the ORSI Academy, at Belgium. He specializes in Endourology and operates cases such as ureteroscopy for treatment of urolithiasis, Photodynamic resection of non-muscle bladder cancer, treatment of benign prostate hyperplasia with TURis (Transurethral Resection in Saline) Plasma Vaporization, treatment of benign prostate hyperplasia with the REZUM system (certified by Boston Scientific), treatment of varicocele with microsurgery, using a microscope.
Doctor Stavros Kazantzidis practices Urology according to the standards and the guidelines set by the European Association of Urology (EAU). He is a member of the Hellenic Urological Society, the Urological Society of Northern Greece and the European Association of Urology.
To visit the Doctor you must first make an appointment by calling
1. on tel.: 2310 225050 Tuesday 15:00 to 20:00 and Thursday 10:00 to 18:00
for the private practice located in the center of Thessaloniki (Tsimiski 54)
Or by calling
2. on tel.: 2310 784998 every day except Thursday from 17:00 to 21:00 for the private practice located in Diavata Thessaloniki (Ethn, Antistasis 7)